
Access to Midjourney is now open!

With our service you can use Midjourney for free and without registration, simply by clicking on the link below. Use the famous artificial intelligence neural network to generate new images of great quality or improve existing ones.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a cutting-edge example of artificial intelligence, using advanced technology to transform text into visually stunning images. By harnessing the power of large language models and diffusion models, Midjourney is able to interpret and convert your words into captivating visuals that have been known to impress even photography experts.

The process begins with a large language model that decodes the meaning behind your text, transforming it into a numerical representation. Through repetition and learning, the diffusion model becomes adept at generating entirely new and unique images.

The concept of diffusion has gained popularity in the world of artificial intelligence, leading to a variety of AI generators like Midjourney. With this innovative technique, Midjourney has the ability to create a wide range of images based solely on text descriptions. Experience the magic of Midjourney for free as it brings your words to life in ways you never imagined possible.

What Midjourney can do

Here are some examples of images generated by Midjourney.

How to use Midjourney?

Write a prompt

Describe the image you want to obtain in as much detail as possible. Specify the main elements that should be present or absent from the image. You can specify a style or a specific artist whose work should be similar to the final result.

Evaluate the result

Wait for the result and evaluate the resulting images. If you don't like the result, you can generate the image again, changing the prompt slightly.

Use variations

If you like one of the images but not enough, use buttons V1-V4 (numbering of images from top left) to get other variations of this image similar to it.

Improve the quality

When you have the result you want, use the U1-U4 buttons to get the desired image in better quality. You can also use the Zoom buttons to enlarge the image in the desired direction or to zoom in on the image.

How to write a Midjourney prompt

  1. Decide on the object - what or who will be the main character of the image. Write down the details you need at once: color, camera parameters, materials.
  2. Use prompts tailored to your tasks. If you don't have a good idea of what kind of result you need, a simple prompt without a conjecture is the best solution. Experiment until you get what you like.
  3. If you know what you want, the more detailed your prompt is, the more likely you are to get the result you want. Example: beautiful happy cow in a meadow with flowers in perfect hair to spike, high wool detail, warm sunny day.
  4. Use a specification in your request for the style in which you want to see the result. For example, photorealistic, gouache drawing, cartoon, or Salvador Dali style.
  5. Try to use positive queries rather than negative ones. For example, it is better to write "cat in a blue hat" rather than "cat not in a red hat".
  6. If you have your own image that you want to use, you can upload it to the service and describe exactly how you want it modified.


Can I use Midjourney for free?

Yes, on our website Midjourney can be accessed without any charges or subscriptions.

Do I need to register for Midjourney?

No. You can access all features on our site without registering.

Is Midjourney available in different languages?

In the original version you can only use Midjourney in English, but on our website Midjourney is available in more than 30 languages thanks to the built-in automatic translation function. However, please note that if you use other languages, translation losses may occur and you will get the best results in English.

How long does it take Midjourney to generate an image?

Image generation time depends on the service load and can take from 1 to 5 minutes.

Do you have a limit on image generation?

We have a daily limit for the number of image generations available to each user due to heavy load on the service. If you have reached your limit, we will be waiting for you tomorrow!

Can Midjourney generate videos?

No, but you can use a series of consecutively generated images for stop motion animations.

Who owns the generated images?

You own them, but you grant Midjourney an unlimited license to use them. In addition, you can’t copyright generated images, since copyright law does not recognize content created by artificial intelligence.